
  NSPIRE Inspection Information


Landlord Questions & Answers

Volume 1

Volume 2

Overview of the Housing Choice Voucher Program

The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program administered locally by Charleston-Kanawha Housing Authority (CKHA) is funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is designed to help low income families rent safe and decent housing on the open market in Kanawha, Clay and Putnam Counties. Families are responsible for finding their own housing and paying a portion of their income toward the cost of rent and utilities. CKHA makes up the difference between the cost and the family’s contribution.

The HCV program is a three way partnership between the owner/agent, Charleston-Kanawha Housing and the family. If the family meets the income and eligibility requirements, they are issued a voucher that provides them rental assistance. The owner/agent enters into a Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) contract with CKHA to provide housing to the family and agrees to maintain the property accoring to  the National Standards for the Physical Inspection of Real Estate (NSPIRE) standards. The family signs the owner/agent’s lease for an initial term of one year agreeing to pay their portion of the rent, abide by the terms of the lease and maintain the property.

Charleston-Kanawha Housing Authority will continue to subsidize the rent to the owner as long as the family remains eligible and the property meets NSPIRE standards. The amount of assistance may increase or decrease depending on changes to the family’s income.

Benefits of Becoming a Section 8 Landlord

Charleston-Kanawha Housing wants to reach out to new landlords in Kanawha, Clay and Putnam Counties to promote the benefits of becoming a Section 8 landlord. In addition to the satisfaction of knowing you are providing safe, decent housing to low income families in our community, the following are a few of the benefits:

  • Owners have security in knowing at least a portion of the rent will be paid timely each month.
  • Charleston-Kanawha Housing will conduct a yearly inspection.
  • Rent amounts are based on Fair Market Rents.
  • Owners may use their own lease and set the terms and conditions therein.
  • Strict renter responsibilities defined in HUD required Lease Addendum.
  • Rent increases may be requested by providing a sixty day notice, contingent on the new rent being reasonable.
  • Charleston-Kanawha Housing provides newsletters and training opportunities for landlords.
  • Direct lines of communication with staff through telephone, mail, fax and e-mail service.
  • Charleston-Kanawha Housing will provide the names and contact information for the previous landlords of tenants, if known, upon request.

It is important to remember that other than expecting a portion of the rent each month from Charleston- Kanawha Housing, you have the same type of landlord/tenant relationship that you have with the non-Section 8 renter.


Charleston-Kanawha Housing’s Responsibilities

• Determine family eligibility for participation in the Section 8 Program.
• Approve units and leases.
• Determine the rental amount for a unit.
• Determine a family’s portion of rent to owner.
• Determine family eligibility annually.
• Inspect subsidized unit annually.
• Ensure that owners and families comply with program rules.
• Provide families and owners with prompt, professional service.
• Issue Housing Assistance Payments in a timely manner.

Owner’s Responsibilities

• Screen families who apply to determine their suitability as renters.
• Comply with fair housing laws.
• Maintain the housing unit by making necessary repairs.
• Comply with the terms of the Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract.
• Collect the rent due from the family and comply with and enforce the lease.

Family’s Responsibilities to the Owner

• Abide by the terms of the lease.
• Pay rent on time and take care of the housing unit.
• Provide any utilities which are not furnished by the owner.
• Provide and maintain any appliances which the owner does not furnish.
• Be responsible for damages to the unit or premises beyond normal wear and tear.



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