Contact Us

Charleston-Kanawha Housing

P.O. Box 86
Charleston, WV 25321-0086

1525 Washington Street West

Charleston, WV 25387-2315


Phone - 304-348-6451 or 1-888-881-6451
Fax - 304-348-6455

Comment Line - 304-348-1096

TTY/TDD Phone - 304-348-6840

 CKHA is closed between 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm each business day.

Main Office

Executive Office

 Mark Taylor, Chief Executive Officer, ext. 322

Jeff Knight, Chief Operations Officer, ext.214

 Robert Parker, Executive Secretary, ext. 323

 Kim Casey, Human Resources Coordinator, ext. 326

Serena Seen, Client Services Manager, ext. 207

 Gay King, Clerk Receptionist, ext. 211


Special Projects Office

 Robert Shamblin, Director of Facilities Maintenance, ext. 227

 Crystal Severson, Maintenance Data Clerk, ext. 223

 Holly Eades, Administrative Assistant, ext. 210

 James Armes, Facilities Manager, ext. 224

 Charles Mullins, Modernization Coordinator, ext. 228

Finance & Administration Office

Clifton Clark, Chief Financial Officer, ext. 324

Teresa Perdue, Accountant II, ext. 304

Jeremy Morriston, Accountant II, ext. 307

Patrick Messenger, Accountant I, ext 313

Amy Hammock, Accountant I, ext 306

Beverly Foster, Accounting Clerk II, ext. 308

Angela Kushner, Accounting Clerk, ext. 310

Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program 

James Cox, Director of Voucher Management,
extension 260
 Vacant, Housing Navigator
extension 263

Cinday Derreberry, Applications Coordinator, extension 253

Daralene Mays, Clerk Receptionist, 

extension 202

Aaron Gumm, Occupancy Supervisor, extension 262

Britteny Bailes, Leased Housing Assistant,

ext. 256


Barbara Voiers, Leased Housing Generalist,   extension 252

Karen Hartwell, Leased Housing Specialist, Customer Service Specialist, extension 271

Lindsay Cox, Leased Housing Specialist,  extension 251

Tyler Wilkinson, Leased Housing Generalist,
extension 268

Brooke Buente, Leased Housing Generalist, extension 266

Jaime Barton-Hughes, Leased Housing Generalist extension 261

Kerry Hughes, Leased Housing Generalist, extension 270

Antonio Black,  Leased Housing Specialist,  extension 269
Cassidy Bailey, Family Self-Sufficiency Coordinator,  extension 217

Nick Scruggs, Family Self Sufficiency Coordinator, extension 209


Vacant, Inspection Coordinator, ext. 264 Roger Haynes, Inspector, ext. 255

Duane Adams, Inspector, ext. 254 Mike Runyon, Inspector, ext. 257

Public Housing

Tammy Edelman, Director of Housing Management, ext. 206

Holly Eades, Administrative Assistant, ext. 210

Vacant, Application Coordinator, ext. 212

Vacant, Family Service Coordinator,

ext. 423 Orchard Manor & 473 South Park

Kathleen McNeely, Senior Service Coordinator,


Sites & Managers

Carroll Terrace

Dale Whitehair, Manager
1546 Kanawha Boulevard
Charleston, WV 25311
Phone 304-348-6808
Fax 304-348-0500

Oakhurst Village

Kizzy Reed, Manager
1039 Lawndale Lane
Charleston, WV 25314
Phone 304-348-6436
Fax 304-348-0522

Hillcrest Village

Vacant, Manager
1000 Hillcrest Drive
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone 304-348-6407
Fax 304-348-0521

Orchard Manor
Rhonda Wallace, Manager - ext. 15

Assistant - ext. 11
900 Griffin Drive
Charleston, WV 25387-1508
Phone 304-348-6888, 348-6819, 348-0527
Fax 304-348-6438

Jarrett Terrace

Rhonda Wallace, Manager
824 Central Avenue
Charleston, WV 25302
Phone 304-348-6806
Fax 304-348-0520

South Park Village
Monica Helm, Manager
680 South Park Road
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone 304-348-8101
Fax 304-348-0523

Lee Terrace
Misty Swann, Manager
1319 Lee Street
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone 304-348-6804
Fax 304-348-0504

Washington Manor

Dawn Fujita, Manager

50 Ida Mae Way
Charleston, WV 25301
Phone 304-348-6800 & 304-348-6802
Fax 304-348-8027

Lippert Terrace
Kizzy Reed, Manager
4420 McCorkle Avenue
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone 304-348-8063
Fax 304-348-0524

Scattered Sites

Kizzy Reed, Manager

4420 McCorkle Ave.
Charleston, WV 25304
Phone 304-348-6800 & 304-348-6802
Fax 304-348-8027

Littlepage Terrace

Dawn Fujita, Manager - ext. 13
1809 Washington Street West
Charleston, WV 25387-2028
Phone 304-400-4503
Fax 304-400-4504

Application Office

Administration Building
1525 Washington Street West
Charleston, WV 25387
Phone 304-348-6451
Fax 304-348-8155


Vacant, Manager

122 Marshall Avenue

Dunbar, WV 25064

Phone 304-768-2166


Monica Helm, Manager

300 Glade Avenue

Rand, WV 25306

Phone 304-925-7940


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